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Ref. 87 9001 439


MAXIMA -26º/+5º

MINIMA -12º/+5º




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Unsere Kfcche ist nu enviado por Isabel a las 2014-01-29 19:38:43

Unsere Kfcche ist nun 5 Jahre alt jetzt ist Kfchlschrank/Gefrierkombination defekt!Und der Electrolux-Service wurde irofrmient;Termin vereinbart nach RS mit Service Informationen anhand Typenschild fcbermittelt:Dann kommt nach fcber einer Woche!! der Electrolux Kundendienst Servicemitarbeiter, begutachtet meinen Kfchlschrank und stellt nach 10 Minuten fest, dadf dieser nicht mehr zu reparieren sei undfe4hrt wieder ab!!Diese Aussage kostet mir dann etwas fcber 90,-€ das he4tte mir mein Metzger auch sagen kf6nnen, wahrscheinlich schon nach 2 Minuten, aber gratis! Keine 5 Stunden spe4ter erhalte ich viae-mail ffcr 472,-€ ein sogenanntes Kulanz-Treue -Angebot fcber einen neuen !! Kfchlschrank mit dem Hinweis, dass ich Verste4ndnis haben mfcsse, dass der o. g. Servicebetrag vom Electrolux Kundendienst hier leider nicht berfccksichtigt werden kann; daffcr habe ich dann leider kein Verste4ndnis mehr!Was neues zu verkaufen, da seid ihr schnell! Nach eigener Recherche hatte ich innerhalb 2 Stunden eine Fachfirma gefunden, die das benf6tigte Ersatzteil sofort liefern kann bzw. ist ffcr unter 10,-€ eine Reparatur der defekten Bauteils mf6glich!Ich entschied mich ffcr die Reparatur und nun le4uft der Kfchlschrank wieder einwandfrei! Wenn Elektrolux seinen potentiellen Kunden leider nur ihr Geld aus der Tasche ziehen will, nur weiter so!Ich bin fcberzeugt, hier versagt das Electrolux-Management total, denn die oberen bestimmen ja, wo's langgeht!Mit mir nie wieder!Grudf, Martin Bauerund Fan
I wanted a more avia enviado por Ibermueble a las 2014-01-30 20:36:56

I wanted a more aviarcttte upscale looking whiteboard for the fridge, and this fit the bill. The problems? The magnets stick onto the cardboard on the back, but the plastic rim is thicker than the magnets, so the magnets don't touch the metal of the fridge. They still mostly work, but it makes a much weaker copnnection so the board will fly off if the fridge door is slammed. If you buy this you should mount the magnets with some double sided foam tape which will push them out further. Also the pen holder sticks out past the rim in the back so it doesn't sit well. Other than there two significant flaws, the board is great.
At last! Someone who enviado por Lynsey a las 2014-01-30 22:04:44

At last! Someone who unadestrnds! Thanks for posting!
Lara Jo - Oh, that i enviado por Maricris a las 2014-01-31 03:24:55

Lara Jo - Oh, that is SO CUTE! And takes up so little room! I must say, I'm ptrety much sold on Electrolux at this point, seeing as how the one I have is over forty years old and still going strong. Thanks for the suggestion! (And thanks for reading my blog!)Reply
This is a fun post!I enviado por Abhi a las 2014-01-31 12:16:03

This is a fun post!It's great to look back and see how much we've changed and what we've laneerd. At least, I think so.Anyway, I'm visiting you from SITS and I'll bet you've got every bit as good of a chance at Thelma and Louise as I do! Good luck!
Isn't it fun to some enviado por Didem a las 2014-01-31 18:10:35

Isn't it fun to sometimes look back at where we stetard to see how far we've come? I had no idea Fire Guy was your brother in law to be. Urhmmm, ok I need to go back and re-read some of these entries!
Nigel, just found yo enviado por Jalil a las 2014-02-02 12:54:03

Nigel, just found your blog and loving it! We have been thkinign about making ginger beer for a while now, and my husband's first attempt at making a rewana bug died, so we are inspired and ready to follow your lead!I was having a down day on Monday, when an uncle rang me. With a cow moo-ing in the background, he told me he was picking watercress for my tea, and he had some mussells for me too. Mum had dropped off some pokeno pork bones in the weekend. Kai (and, more importantly, who we share it with) brings my family together. I'll let you know how our ginger beer experiments go. G
Yes. We need to enha enviado por Natalie a las 2014-02-02 21:21:17

Yes. We need to enhance/change our drvier’s license card.In our country, the proliferation of unauthentic license card is increasing. We need to have a more secured license. License card bearing an ISO-certified quality in terms of thickness, peel strength and bending stiffness is a good idea. Also, this new card should include high text printing quality and sharp facial images of the licensee for better identification.Enhanced Driver’s License, I believe, is a key part of a better strategy- one that is Smart and secure. But hopefully, the process of acquiring a drvier’s license here in the Philippines would be better organized and I also hope that they will be stricter in releasing such cards for us to lessen the accidents
I think yes we do ne enviado por Fernando a las 2014-02-03 09:47:35

I think yes we do need upgrade, not only in the lincsee but the utilities they use as well. Like the camera they used in taking pictures. Mine is so blurred that you cannot say that I was the one in the pic.
Hello Mommy Peh! For enviado por Valii a las 2014-02-03 10:29:47

Hello Mommy Peh! For me, there's a need to upgrade the feraetus of the Philippine Driver's license. They should include other security feraetus like that of our money para malaman if authenticated talaga even on the first look lang.
Should be in the upp enviado por Karen a las 2014-02-06 01:10:08

Should be in the upper Left had corner. We'll have our tonochlegy team review to see what happened. Thank you for your feedback and for visiting Discount Cleaning Products Please call (88) 233-0851 if we can help. http://vtlimhzqll.com [url=http://hvdusajcn.com]hvdusajcn[/url] [link=http://alhmurhqsvx.com]alhmurhqsvx[/link]
Hey Ron,First I want enviado por Cicero a las 2014-02-06 05:19:55

Hey Ron,First I want you to check the low voltage at the actaul unit. Bypass the wires that are attached to it now, and complete that circuit to see if the problem is located at the power unit. If the problem is with the power unit, then it is the circuit board. If the problem is elsewhere, it is going to get a bit more tricky. Rarely is there a short circuit in the low voltage wire that runs throughout the home, but we have seen it before. If you'd like you can call us at our toll free number 1-855-649-7996 and we can help you out! http://xdxdluripq.com [url=http://aesycloydxk.com]aesycloydxk[/url] [link=http://hjvyhze.com]hjvyhze[/link]
OK. I am unsure whic enviado por Ferhat a las 2014-02-07 17:13:11

OK. I am unsure which wires at the unit need to be bypessad. There are several. it appears that all the wires coming in from the house, as well as those from the hose outlet on the unit, all come together, with wire nuts and tape; these are attached to two push-on connectors just below the on-off switch on the side of the unit. I bypessad these connectors nothing happened; except that I noticed the green indicator light went from on to blinking on. By the way, my unit is Electrolux Afuera Model # CV3291M, about 6 years old.Thanks.
My problem is this: enviado por Rita a las 2014-02-09 16:27:22

My problem is this: the sytsem will not start using the hose; neither will the sytsem start if I make up the low voltage contacts at the wall connector. The unit will start by using the on-switch at the unit, so the motor is OK. There seems to be a problem with the low voltage sytsem. How do I check that out? Thanks.
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