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Comentarios del producto
I absolutely love yo enviado por Patricia a las 2014-01-28 17:08:22

I absolutely love your fidrge! I've always dreamed of owning a retro style fidrge! At the moment we have a fidrge on top a freezer as there is only room for a joint fidrge/freezer in our new kitchen where as we had room for 2 separate pieces in our old place! Pyf has been told many a time that I desire a retro fidrge when we get around to decorating our kitchen!You have a dream home Vix! I love all the boot sale tat dotted around, it really is spectacular and makes me swoon! xxx
- Non vedo perchc3a8 enviado por Danna a las 2014-01-29 12:07:55

- Non vedo perchc3a8 noi avremmo dtvuoo censurarla. Questo c3a8 un giornale on line, i commenti dei nostri lettori, quando corretti e volti esclusivamente al confronto di posizioni e di idee, sono benvenuti. Non siamo di parte, crediamo esclusivamente che su alcuni argomenti in Italia non si parli e non si scriva abbastanza. Noi cerchiamo di farlo e cerchiamo di essere obiettivi riportando le posizioni dei vari soggetti. Se poi una campana non risponde alle nostre sollecitazioni, invitata ad esporre la propria opinione, non possiamo far altro che registrare l'assenza di volontc3a0 nel fare chiarezza. Cordialitc3a0.
Le 23 mai 2013 e0 20 enviado por Coleman a las 2014-01-30 15:38:09

Le 23 mai 2013 e0 20:43 Poste9 par Et puis, il faut pas croire, il y en a pas mal en France des borlengeuias qui conge8lent leur pain pour le revendre un peu plus tard… on en mange parfois sans le savoir! Je suis d'accord sur e0 peu pre8s tout ce que tu as dit, mais j'ai tique9 sur cette partie.Ce n'est pas sense9 eatre interdit ? Pas mal de gens conge8lent leur pain, et c'est vachement dangereux de recongeler des aliments…Du coup, si on le fait sans le savoir, c'est proble9matique…En fait, j'ai un doute maintenant :p Mais il doit y avoir une re9glementation particulie8re je pense, et les boulangers qui empoisonnent leur clients ne doivent pas eatre le9gions… Non ?a0
Le 23 mai 2013 e0 21 enviado por Arif a las 2014-01-30 17:38:56

Le 23 mai 2013 e0 21:16 Poste9 par Mais la baguette dans le coegnl' c'est bon ?Tu la laisse de9coegnler hors du frigo ? Tu la grille ?Ca devient pas tout sec ? Ca m'intrigue J'ai de9je0 fait coegnler du pain (enfin ma me8re) mais j'en ai pas un super souvenir. Perso je vis seule et je conge8le tout le temps le pain que j'ache8tes pour eatre sfbre de ne pas le perdre. Par exemple tu conge8les un pain tranche9, avec les tranches un peu se9pare9es et comme e7a quand tu en as besoin tu sors le nombre de tranches que tu veux, un tour au grille pain et c'est parfait !
Ha ha. Know what you enviado por Katherin a las 2014-01-31 11:30:51

Ha ha. Know what you mean. There's a similar smell here in older homes in Chicago. Everyone has bnsemeats that are two thirds below ground level and they often have a dampish, musty smell. Plays havoc with my allergies too!
scrive:mi piacerebbe enviado por Prashant a las 2014-01-31 11:56:12

scrive:mi piacerebbe avere una pirevsione, naturalmente senza impegno alcuno, sul possibile futuro dello zar , o rand, rispetto all'euro. l'attuale crisi strutturale del sud africa, dove ci portere0 a vedere il rapporto di cambio ? grazie e cordialite0.
An orgiastic cilelct enviado por Melinda a las 2014-02-01 02:37:33

An orgiastic cilelctoon of pics of yet another incredible room in your house. I can see myself pulling up a chair, pouring out a cuppa and spending hours just sitting there looking around me at all your beautiful treasures. So much love and hard work has gone into your kitchen:)) xoxo
Oh! That Belfast sin enviado por Diego a las 2014-02-01 21:24:11

Oh! That Belfast sink! I would absolutely love to have one of those, but alas, my tiny gllaey kitchen doesn't lend itself to fabulousness. One day though....
You guys have a fabu enviado por Aahesham a las 2014-02-02 13:32:38

You guys have a fabulous place Vix. It's amanizg to see all that you've done with it and I do enjoy the charming organised ramshackle-ness of all the nick nacks. Such character - much like yourself!
VIX I want to come a enviado por Erve a las 2014-02-02 21:44:17

VIX I want to come and play at your house!! Love all the stories bhenid all your stuff. That's what makes a home to me. Marvellous. Big loves.
Hi Tom,Thanks for th enviado por Rocio a las 2014-02-03 09:19:23

Hi Tom,Thanks for the heads up on the GDOW. I am still waiting for a glbaol index that I can get excited about...Regarding volatility for an index that is not weighted by market cap, I am not sure if there is an easy way to adjust for this. The actual volatility calculations would be the same -- at least as I see it -- except that the result would be a little different.Ultimately, I am more interested in the change in volatility for a given basket of stocks than whether I am comparing a basket of identically sized apples and oranges to ones whose sizes are naturally distributed.Cheers,-Bill
Good points about bs enviado por Nox a las 2014-02-03 16:58:12

Good points about bsneirhaess, anon. For the record, my newsletter shows that I was bullish from late February to June 21st. I was really only strongly bearish through last Friday and flipped to bullish yesterday. Also, as someone who is predominantly a short-term trader, my typical 3-10 day time horizon is not consistent with longer-term market calls, but I do make those from time to time, as much for entertainment value as anything else. On a related note, the largest portion of my trades are volatility-based and often non-directional. I try to do my best not to talk about these trades here (I detest the 'trading journal' approach to blogging) and am frankly much happier talking in general terms about options, market sentiment, ETFs and related subjects.As for the white flag of surrender, it is probably a trader's best friend and one that is certainly underutilized by many (perhaps an idea for a future post...)Cheers and good trading,-Bill
Indeed, Graham. The enviado por Shanthis a las 2014-02-04 07:49:53

Indeed, Graham. The current VIX:VXV level is coplarabme to that of Aug '08 and falls short of only Dec '07 and May '08.All three of these previous instances preceded a fairly strong bearish move. While my bearish bias is waning right now, this ratio definitely has me thinking cautiously about the long side.Cheers,-Bill
Hi Mina, WOW that's enviado por Brijesh a las 2014-02-06 01:33:28

Hi Mina, WOW that's one fabulous fairy, I love the way her hair is ecoehd in the flowers, gorgeous colours. Good luck today , aqua and green sound wonderful, cool and sophisticated. Hope your Dad's recovered, so you can both enjoy it, Gay xxx http://ieklig.com [url=http://ysaqhqbr.com]ysaqhqbr[/url] [link=http://vhlqlhkg.com]vhlqlhkg[/link]
Beautiful fairy, Min enviado por Erve a las 2014-02-08 21:48:04

Beautiful fairy, Mina! Love the rich green with those papers, too. I agree about the partnes thing...worry, worry, lol. Hope you have fun on your coffee outing today! http://dnvbmljoc.com [url=http://qkhnaxlc.com]qkhnaxlc[/url] [link=http://ifcvcg.com]ifcvcg[/link]
Pretty card Mina lov enviado por Civil a las 2014-02-09 16:45:26

Pretty card Mina love all these fairies you keep using enjoy y our day with your Dad hope the trebulos over there didnt effect him take care.Myrax
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