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Neither. They are bo enviado por Shieh a las 2014-02-01 02:25:43

Neither. They are both made in Mexico. Trust me either State or A.O. Smith. I had a State but I got a beettr deal on A.O.Smith. Go to a furnace wharehouse or go to a furnace installer. Im a union Pipefitter and I know water heaters. Those two are just a name because they are made in Mexico so its up to you. Was this answer helpful?
I totally agree with enviado por Vladimir a las 2014-02-01 21:02:57

I totally agree with you, my chzampniee friend.The consumer only wants entertaining.Hence the importance of originality - something that feels original to the consumer is more entertaining than something they feel they've seen before.So rippping off an obscure Swiss short film is fine, because the consumer won't have seen it.Ripping off another ad that's been on TV, or a TV programme, is not so good because it means your ad won't feel fresh therefore won't be as entertaining.Your second point is about branding... i guess we'll have to leave that for another post...
Thanks for writing s enviado por Grizzly a las 2014-02-03 10:16:44

Thanks for writing such an eaoet-s-undyrstand article on this topic.
My gosh, my brain hu enviado por Ghaydaa a las 2014-02-03 11:22:57

My gosh, my brain hurts just trying to wrap it aournd that concept. I would blame the wine I drank last night if not for the fact that your assessment of (and possible solutions to) it sounds far more rational than the tale itself. A shame, as I love Hampstead Heath as a setting as well as the all-around atmosphere of Victorian London, and the idea the book was trying for sounds wonderfully complex and thought-provoking if, that is, it made sense. It's such a challenge to convey the abstract, which makes it all the more imperative that an author think it through carefully and from all angles to render it tangible and plausible.
Quinn, the 3 males i enviado por Jaaby a las 2014-02-04 00:08:28

Quinn, the 3 males in my family voted for Brandt too...they liked the big glass panel ;)Thanks Jane! I also reeilsad that the temperature control knobs are not that precise for most basic ovens. Tracy, thanks for the info. I went to check out Mayers at Plaza Singapura, but was told the promo is over for this oven model, and the next promo will likely be next year.busygran, Cathy, thanks for sharing :) I am quite torn between Ariston and Bosch now!Sherlyn, never say never...I have never thot that I will have a built in oven too :)mother hen, yes yes, I will be getting most of my appliances from neighbourhood shops...including my stove. cupcake, I am sure it is a great 'upgrade'...I have been using a 20L oven...I think my 18cm cake pan will look very tiny in a 50L oven ;pChing, thank you for your info! I am planning to get my appliances from my regular neighbourhood shop...Goh Ah Bee (is this the shop that you got yours?), they provide free delivery, and no deposit needed, just need to give them a call to place order, delivery is always on time too. They are selling Bosch and Brandt oven a hundred dollars cheaper. Will see whether I can get further discount since I will be ordering washing machine, fridge and stove from them too.
Greg,I can't really enviado por Fitri a las 2014-02-04 00:09:03

Greg,I can't really anwser your question, because I don't know much about geothermally-heated water heaters. If the geothermal heat was enough to meet your needs, then I'd connect the input to the cold line. Assuming that it's not able to keep up with high-flow uses such as showers, I'd connect it to the hot line after the tankless. There is no reason you can't use a 50 gallon tank in this way, but it's a different approach with a different result. Ours are set up to both buffer the cold slug and to give instant hot water. I wouldn't classify a 50 gallon tank as a buffer. The big tank would be the primary heater, but you would get the advantage of having pre-heated water flowing into it from the tankless. It will ultimately be less efficient, because you're keeping a much higher volume on constant standby. But again, I know nothing about geothermal heaters, so that may not be an accurate statement. One things for sure you will never run out of hot water or be surprised by cold slug!
Amber,I think what h enviado por Tomas a las 2014-02-04 04:46:30

Amber,I think what happens is that even toughh the minimum flow rate is met (0.75 gal/min), our heater seems more comfortable when working hard (raising the temperature of the water a lot.) Its performance is much more sporadic at lower flows or temp increases. Our issue seems to happen at the peak of summer, when the incoming water will be at its warmest, meaning the delta between in/out temps is at its lowest. At all other times of year, it seems to do OK. As Stephanie mentioned, our first unit would cycle constantly during showers.The hot/cold/hot/cold temps are really just a symptom that your heater is turning off during the shower. The cold slug is a result of the time it takes the heater to kick back on. Even if it only takes a few seconds, that's a lot of cold water flowing through. Not very fun when you're in the middle of a shower!
We have that problem enviado por Gulnaz a las 2014-02-04 16:59:42

We have that problem occlaionsaly too (much less so now that the unit is working and not whistling!) I can't tell you WHY maybe Julio could but I've noticed that this mostly seems to happen when it is really hot outside or really cold outside and my hypothesis is that when we're experiencing temperature extremes outside it messes with the water heater's thermostat. When ours is working the way it's supposed to, it starts out cold unti the water that's been sitting in the pipes has been flushed out and the new hot water makes it to the faucet. It's really consistent after that, unless, like I said, it's a really hot or really cold day and then fluctates between freezing and scalding (and makes me crazy!!!)
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